We organize companies within:
- Staffing and recruitment
- Security and guard services
- Facility Services and Facility Management Industries
- Vocational rehabilitation enterprises
- Retail and Trade
- Hairdressers
Most industries organize themselves into sub-committees which are represented on the Central Board and Executive Committee of Norwegian Federation of Service Industries and Retail Trade (NFSIRT). NFSIRT affiliated with the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and is the second largest organization in NHO. The organization was established in 1989, and has since grown to include 50 employees as of 2024. As part of NHO, NFSIRT enjoys representation on the Central Board and Executive Committee of the umbrella organization. NFSIRT is located at the House of Enterprise (Næringslivets Hus) in Oslo.
Our objective is to promote the common interests of our member companies and provide them with the tools they need to develop in a healthy business environment. NFSIRT leverages its extensive knowledge base and relationships with key decision-makers to open up markets traditionally dominated by the public sector. Working at the intersection of politics and private enterprise, the organization is dedicated to the fostering of a fair business environment in service of wider society. NFSIRT maintains a strong media presence in order to provide information for key decision-makers and the general public. We pride ourselves on strong relations with central political actors. NFSIRT takes advantage of its industry know-how to improve the competitiveness and profitability of member companies. Our responsibilities cover a wide range of issues including industrial affairs, labor market regulations, employment policies and business sector development. Our services include consultations relating to health, safety, and the environment, legal aid, and the facilitation of industry cooperation by hosting conferences, seminars and breakfast meetings. NFSIRT also publishes newsletters and maintains a strong digital presence by managing a service-industry website and actively utilizing social media.

CEO Anne-Cecilie Kaltenborn
Postboks 5473 Majorstuen, 0305 OSLO
Phone +47 23 08 86 50
NHO is the main representative organisation for Norwegian employers with companies ranging from small family-owned businesses to multi-national companies.
NHO - The Norwegian Confederation of Business